Privacy Policy
OSBDCN is a network of 19 Oregon-based Small Business Development Centers— originally called ‘SBDCs’.
 Design Goals
OSBDCN management wanted to change the organization's somewhat stodgy image. In interviewing their clients, we discovered that many could not remember the 'SBDC' name. Although the network office had their own logo, most of the centers in the network did not use it.
New Name, New Reputation. We carefully created an easy-to-remember new name for the organization: BizCenter. We secured a domain name to match: We developed a snazzy new BizCenter logo in several versions, each suited for a particular media. The BizCenter corporate identity program included logo-emblazoned signage, hats, stickers, and mugs.
BizCenter Network
New Name, New Reputation


< Brand >
4 of 17

1. Aspen Trading Logo

2. Axia Logo

3. Bend Learning Center Logo

4. BizCenter Network

5. Cascade Concierge Brand

6. Cascade Station Newspaper Ads

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