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The iBox is a brainstorming tool developed and marketed by the Innovation Center. Oh sure, an iBox looks like a clear plastic box filled with a group of unrelated everyday items. But it’s really a carefully chosen collection of visual metaphors— a portable, brainstorming kit for stimulating profitable ideas.
PureBlend designed a nifty, folded instruction booklet which goes inside the iBox, and can be seen through the “front window”, thus doubling as the product packaging. A single 8.5 x 14" sheet of paper produces two iBox manuals, and can be quickly and inexpensively printed on a color laser printer by our client. A round, self-adhesive sticker with the “Powered by Innovation” logo completes the packaging.
iBox Packaging

Download iBox Manual.pdf
Requires Adobe® Acrobat® Reader (a free download)

< Packaging >
2 of 5

1. Free Radicals Packaging

2. iBox Packaging

3. Innovation Center DVD

4. NoNonsense Guidebook Cover

5. PowerHouse DVD Label

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